Quick tips for DRY SKIN

Having dry skin can be really tricky when applying your makeup. Here are a few quick tips to help you out:

1. Moisturize!!!
Find the correct moisturizer when searching for your skincare. Having a beautiful, hydrated base is very important when applying foundation. Moisturize at least TWICE a day to keep your skin supple and elastic. I am in love with the Garnier Hydra match range, it has something for every skin type. The one for dry to very dry skin is perfect, it leaves your skin feeling so soft and well moisturized! 

2. Hydrate from the inside
Always drink plenty of water! It washes out toxins and moisturizes from the inside. A great tip for coffee drinkers (coffee dehydrates the skin) is to drink 2 glasses of water for every cup of coffee. (I will definitely have a hard time with that one, seeing that I'm a coffeeholic...)

3. Cleanser
Make sure you are using a cleanser specially made for DRY skin. The wrong one could have harsh chemicals inside and might do more harm than good! Cleansing will also help to moisturize the skin (when using the correct one). I am a huge fan of the 'Simple' brand. I use both their Cleanser and Toner, I love it because it is filled with vitamins and no artificial perfumes or colour.

4. Use SPF every day!
This is so important. You need to keep your skin protected from the sun! EVERY DAY! You can always use a moisturizer that already contain SPF.

5. Lips
Never forget to moisturize and hydrate your lips, chapped and flaky lips are never okay... 

6. Foundation:
Choose the correct foundation. Never use a powder foundation, it will only settle in fine lines and highlight the flaky parts of your skin. Rather use a liquid or cream foundation and try to use one that is specially made for dry/combo skin. Revlon Colorstay has a great option. They have the same type of foundation for Normal/Dry skin as well as one for Combination/Oily skin. If you are looking for a medium to full coverage foundation, definitely give this one a try!

7. Amazing natural homemade mask
Last but not least, treat yourself at least once a week with a relaxing homemade mask.

Honey and Avocado Mask:

1/2 Very ripe Avocado
1/4 cup Honey

Mash avo and mix in the honey. Apply to skin and leave on for 10-15min. Wipe of with a wet and cool washcloth. Continue with normal skincare routine.

Hope these tips helps you out a bit. Keep a look out for more skincare tips in the near future!



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